Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Yoga Class

i there,
We're pleased to announce that weekly yoga classes organized by the Yoga Club of IMU will commence soon (hopefully by next week or the week after that) and the details are enlisted below:

Time and day:Monday evenings(5.30 pm) for an hour
Fees:RM 40 per month
Instructor:Ms Silvia Sim from Yogafit,Damansara Heights.

Those who are interested can give their names to their batchreps or Yoga Commitee members by next monday and it's a first come first serve basis.
Do contact either
adelin yong or 0123721028
youzhuan lee or 0124474392
or any of the yoga club commitee
*if response is very good(more than 40 people),we may organize 2 classes per week to accomodate the number of students.*
Thank you

Adelin Yong
President of the Yoga Club

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